Author's posts

The variances of College Access

The Contributions of Economics to the Study of College Access and Success Economics: The primary framework in economics of education is the human capital model developed by Gary Becker in his seminal 1964 work.2 Education is thought to increase human capital, a set of skills that can be “rented out” to employers for income. …

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Appropriating the Internet for Social Change: Towards the Strategic Use of Networked Technologies by Transnational Civil Society Organizations

Appropriating the Internet for Social Change: Towards the Strategic Use of Networked Technologies by Transnational Civil Society Organizations Prepared by Mark Surman and Katherine Reilly The goal of this report is to explore the question of how civil society can use – and is using – networked technologies strategically. More specifically, the report reviews a …

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Structures of Participation in Digital Culture by Karaganis, Joe, ed. New York: Social Science Research Council, 2007.

“Structures of Participation in Digital Culture, edited by SSRC Program Director Joe Karaganis, explores digital technologies that are engines of cultural innovation, from the virtualization of group networks and social identities to the digital convergence of textural and audio-visual media. User-centered content production, from Wikipedia to YouTube to Open Source, has become the emblem of …

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why should we care about college access

College access is fundamentally a question of social opportunity – a question of democracy: who gets to participate, how, when, where and under what conditions…. College access == macro college choice == micro higher education opportunity educational opportunity == operationalized in a lot of different ways — K-12 framework without an end game — to …

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College Access

Higher Education Improves Society povertyracismsexiasmhomophobiahomelessnesshealth & wellnesscurriculumpedagogy

Budget Reduction at University of Florida

Final Project for Pedagogy & Dissent by Laura Bestler-Wilcox

The Final Piece: Searching: Online Identity Work Searching: Online Identity Work Laura Bestler-Wilcox 615C HGED: Annotated Bibliography Iowa State University May 1, 2008 Project Summary My final project will be a computer graphic piece which explores my personal transformation. This transformation occurred while discovering how traditional aged undergraduate students search to express the intersections …

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Who participates and what are they doing?

Retrieved on April 29, 2008 from

Ethan Zuckerman: the history of digital community, in less than 7 minutes


Two dimensions Distributive Justice Equality of Opportunity (Lynch) Equality of Outcome (Lynch) Justice from Freedom of Oppressive Relations (Young) – pulled both together – five faces of oppression Relationship Justice – nature of relationships in a structured society Neo-Fabian and Post-Mod of Neutrality Freedom from Oppression (being oppressed doesn’t rule out the opportunity of …

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