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Connecitivism: Curriculum, Knowledge, Learning

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DRAFT: Final Project

My ideas for the scholarly project include use of the following questions: What is the untold story for traditional aged undergraduate students in online social networking sites? Does digital inclusion exist for traditional age undegraduate students in online social networks? Does it help or hinder social justice? Does cyberbullying exist through online social networks utilized …

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Color lines

Mickey Mouse Monopoly

Mickey Mouse Monopoly Study Guide New York Times discussion about Arab Americans and Disney BELOW: Preview of Mickey Mouse Monopoly

The world as a village of 100 people

This is what it would look like… [CLICK HERE]

Reflexive Paper – Week Six

RUNNING HEAD: Reflexive Paper – Week Six HGED 615C: Reflexive Paper Week Six Laura Bestler-WilcoxIowa State University February 21, 2008 Summarization The context of popular culture, media, publicity, and the hidden curriculum all attest to how the image of an institution may be portrayed differently by whoever views it (Byers, 2005; Curry, 2000; Hudak, 2005; …

Continue reading When you work online, giving and getting constructive criticism can be more precarious than face-to-face interactions. Learn about why there is a reluctance to give constructive feedback online and ways to effectively provide it in this mini-lesson.

There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions

There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions by Audre Lorde I was born Black, and a woman. I am trying to become the strongest person I can become to live the life I have been given and to help effect change toward a livable future for this earth and for my children. As a Black, lesbian, …

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Just in a different place…

i just really believe i am at a different place — i am not saying i know better or worse than someone else… i think that is okay — however, calling someone a scapegoat is … beyond frustrating… for me… as a person… i think for anyone to make the assumption that they are all …

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Project Idea Continued

I really think that finding myself before — I choose to investigate how to integrate these ideas into the way in which I educate others. Hence, the Dai (1996) reading spoke to me. It is the way I will develop my project. Dei, G. (1996). Chapter four: The intersections of race, class and gender in …

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