Category: Technology

Edudemic: What Does Gamification Look Like In Classrooms?

By Katie Lepi on July 20, 2014 ( Using games or game play elements in the classroom to drive learning outcomes is sill gaining popularity. Though most teachers aren’t ready to embrace bringing serious games like Minecraft into their classrooms, many are willing to gamify learning or use other types of games. That said, getting …

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Identifying and Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Online Students in Higher Education

  Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration Bonny Barr Creighton University This paper outlines how institutions of higher learning can prepare faculty to identify mental health needs of online students and suggests effective administrative policies and programs to address these student needs. More…

Internet in Real Time

Click the image to open the interactive version (via

Connected Learning

StrawPoll: another way to keep people involved

StrawPoll—Tiny polls in 140 characters or less. Love this idea

YouTube – Did You Know 4.0

What an amazing day it is for me! One of the many things I do with my job is work with technology with Scott McLeod (supervisor/colleague/friend). Last fall, Scott asked me to do some research for a new version of a big video (Did You Know 2.0) he and Karl Fisch did with the amazing …

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Generation WE: The Movement Begins… on Vimeo

Generation WE: The Movement Begins… on Vimeo on Vimeo via Generation WE: The Movement Begins… on Vimeo.

The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful

My friend, colleague, and supervisor sent this out to his staff: The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful. In so many ways – I know this is true – on others – I believe that I am completely and utterly a better person for what I do with technology, and the connections I …

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